One of the best ways to avoid car accidents is just to become a defensive driver. Remember that human error causes the vast majority of car accidents – over 90%. Even if you don’t make a mistake, you could be hit by another driver who does. The main goal of defensive...
Los accidentes de tráfico son eventos lamentables, y cuando involucran camiones comerciales las consecuencias pueden ser devastadoras. En Texas, un estado con intensa actividad de transporte, estos accidentes son frecuentes. En este blog analizamos las causas más...
Any time that a driver is not paying attention to the road, they are a distracted driver. Specific examples of distraction include talking to passengers, changing the radio station, eating and drinking, looking at a map or using a cellphone. But you can also sort...
Texas has a statute of limitations on legal action after a car accident. This statute sets the maximum period within which individuals need to file a lawsuit after an incident. Those involved in car accidents should understand this timeframe to protect their rights....
Semitrucks carry goods around the country, but that vital service doesn’t come without risks. These large vehicles are a danger to smaller vehicles because semitrucks are so much heavier and larger. Understanding the more common causes of semitruck wrecks may help...
Texas roads get a steady traffic of fully loaded trucks. This can mean other vehicles on the state’s roadways are at risk of dangerous trucking accidents. This is especially true when truck drivers are battling fatigue and drowsiness, due in large part to the odd and...
Suffering an injury from a road crash causes misery to the victim. Moreover, it can affect their family, loved ones and workplace, especially when they incur a severe injury or disability. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), road crash victims experience...
By ensuring the delivery of goods across vast distances and connecting production hubs from all over the United States, trucking is considered the beating heart of the US economy and an integral part of the global supply chain. However, due to their immense size and...
TruckInfo reports that Texas had more truck accidents than any other state in 2022. Those accidents resulted in 7,517 injuries and 692 fatalities. Accidents between trucks and smaller vehicles are often devastating, and underride crashes are among the most fatal of...
Aggressive drivers can be found on any road at any time, especially during summer months when hot temperatures are elevating the tempers of people behind the wheel. A recent survey revealed that 92 percent of drivers in the United States witnessed an act of road rage...