Any kind of motor vehicle collision can be expensive and frustrating. People can sustain major injuries and have catastrophic expenses to cover. Crashes can cause property damage, medical expenses and lost wages, along with a host of secondary expenses. Certain types...
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Truck Accidents
What to expect when filing a claim for truck accident injuries
A truck accident can be traumatic, especially if you or your passengers have to deal with injuries and extensive property damage. Filing a claim can help cover those expenses, but the process isn’t as simple as calling your insurance company and getting a payout....
Severe inhalation burn injuries can happen in a truck accident
Truck accidents can be devastating, and the aftermath can leave victims grappling with severe injuries. Among these, inhalation burns are particularly harrowing, posing long and excruciatingly painful recovery times. If you or a loved one has suffered from such...
How to share the road with trucks
Since trucks are larger and heavier, driving around them requires different techniques. You should not handle larger vehicles as you do smaller ones. Below are two things to keep in mind when driving around a truck: Stay out of its blind spots Every car has blind...
Understanding the impact of truck driver fatigue on accidents
Truck driver fatigue is a significant factor in road accidents. Especially in Texas, where vast distances and busy highways contribute to the problem. Recognizing the causes and implementing effective measures can help mitigate these risks. The role of truck driver...
Why overloaded trucks are so dangerous
Trucks play a vital role in delivering goods around the country and beyond. Most of the food that we consume has been in a truck at some point. Nonetheless, trucks have limits on the amount of cargo they can carry at any given time, particularly concerning the weight...
What expenses and losses can I recover after a road crash?
Suffering an injury from a road crash causes misery to the victim. Moreover, it can affect their family, loved ones and workplace, especially when they incur a severe injury or disability. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), road crash victims experience...
3 safety issues that could lead to truck accidents
By ensuring the delivery of goods across vast distances and connecting production hubs from all over the United States, trucking is considered the beating heart of the US economy and an integral part of the global supply chain. However, due to their immense size and...
The dangers of truck underride crashes
TruckInfo reports that Texas had more truck accidents than any other state in 2022. Those accidents resulted in 7,517 injuries and 692 fatalities. Accidents between trucks and smaller vehicles are often devastating, and underride crashes are among the most fatal of...
Can cargo loaders be responsible for truck accidents?
Imagine you are behind the wheel, cruising down I-35, when suddenly, a truck ahead of you swerves unpredictably. Often, the reason behind the truck swerving has to do with how workers loaded the cargo. You need to understand that secure and balanced cargo is not just...